Mission 21: If the player decided to extract the CFA executive instead of killing him, Miller will debrief Venom Snake by revealing that the CFA executive wanted to join Diamond Dogs and reveal that it was his higher-up's idea to prolong the fighting with the implication that he didn't necessarily support it.Mission 19: If the player either extracts the Major or otherwise neutralizes him after listening in on his conversation with his subordinate, Miller will relay to Venom Snake what the Major revealed on everything he knew about the events, including that ZRS was planning to kill an old man.Mission 14: Rescuing at least one British POW in addition to the Viscount will have Miller reveal to Venom Snake the Viscount's duplicitous nature and imply that he intends to have the Viscount undergo more severe interrogation for his earlier actions to his comrades before reporting on the delivering of Walker Gears to the various PFs, CFA included.Mission 7: Either extracting the Red Army brass or otherwise neutralizing them (ie, killing them) only after listening to their speech has Kazuhira Miller relaying to Snake the contents of their meeting.

Some missions have debriefings that are either unlocked completely or otherwise expanded upon by following certain criteria: In the aftermath of Missions 3-10, and 12, if the player has both a save file of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, and had managed to extract certain key characters from the Main Mission and Side Ops, the Report screen for recruited soldiers will have a special volunteers banner flash and Miller calling in stating that some soldiers they had earlier extracted in Cuba have decided to rejoin them after hearing that "Big Boss was back."ĭestroying the communications equipment prior to starting this mission will cause a stunned Ocelot and Miller to declare the mission complete only seconds after it starts.